Saturday, January 10, 2009


90 minute fairly easy solo ride

roasted veg soup w/meatballs+bread
honey wafers

End of the first full week of the year. Weight 202#. 15.8% fat. 8+ hours on the bike (490 minutes).
Felt like my riding was pretty consistent. The Thursday spin class was really challenging and I plan on having that be my hard indoor day.
Lifting was strong all week. Very glad to be back on a lifting plan, it's something I miss a lot when I'm not doing and I am really sensitive to perceived weakness. I can tell the difference in my physique immediately after starting a new plan. My shoulders, chest, back and arms all return to shape quickly.
Only commuted twice this week. Not bad considering the weather but not as good as I'd like. Working on it.


  1. JB - now is the time to be doing exactly as you are. Keep building up the LSD on-road ride program, getting to 3 hours 'easy' ride by end of month, gym is perfect, also remember to stretch VERY wll, use the foam roller and work on flexibility and always focus on your CORE as well. Nice job dude.

  2. Focusing on the core when I'm lifting is one of my new real GOALS. It's something that I can feel a lot more intensely than I had thought.
    If the weather would cooperate better with me, I would be doing a lot more riding, but as it stands, I'm still not loving riding in adverse weather. A holdover from messenger days, I guess.
