Thursday, March 12, 2009

70, 71/365

Wednesday - Felt shitty and just couldn't get myself right, slept for 3 hours after work. Still trying to feel better.

Squat 215
Press 80
Deadlift 220
Pullup 4,4,5
2x Side plank, 1xFront

3 hours riding, easy

cereal, cranberries, banana
spinach+bean salad
chocolate raisins, coconut dates + soy jerky

Really good lifting, ride in was with a headwind but I felt great for having done it.


Off day.
Still being nagged by the sickness that's been around and I feel like a combination of worthless and weak for it.

Monday, March 9, 2009


squat 210
bench 130
row 12,12,12
pushup 10,10,16 with a medicine ball passed between my hands alternating each rep.
rev crunch 3x12


Rode for about 6 hours on Saturday on a fancy new Felt AR2 with DuraAce7900. The bike felt great and so did my legs for the first 4 hours. The last couple hours were a struggle for me, with a lot of coughing and such. We had the hammer down for a lot of the time. A great ride.

Sunday, rather than riding, I decided to take it easy on my legs and just go out for a leisurely stroll for a couple hours. It felt like I really would have done myself harm by riding. It was a hard decision to make but in retrospect, it was the right idea.


Squat 200
Press 2@90, 3@75
Deadlift 210
Pullup 4,4,3 unassisted
Plank one arm, leg

Felt a lot better than I did on Thursday. Being sick for a couple days really took a lot out of me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Squat 195
Bench 125
Row 12,12,15
Pushup 15,15,20
Rev Crunch 12,12,12

Felt bad but I needed to do something. I'll lift again tomorrow and this weekend, I will be back on the bike.


4hrs ride, struggling and verging on sickness
Top 50 of 200 in an indoor TT, while coming to terms with being sick
Stayed in bed all day. Sick.
Tried to be better but stayed home to do so.
Worked because I was a little bit better than I had been