Sunday, February 14, 2010


Last year, this blog was a huge part of my offseason training. It gave me a forum to reflect on my food intake, my exercise and my state of mind. This offseason, I have had very little energy and a really hard time motivating myself. I've complained to most of my good friends about this, but have had little progress.
Last year ended with an extremely successful cross season, thanks to the assistance of a coach, a new training device and some real results right off the bat. As the season wore on, I wore out, eventually succumbing to sickness just before an A race and a miserable failure to close the season out.
I took almost six weeks off the bike at the end and after the season. Still, I didn't feel like I was anywhere near mentally able to take on the stress of training. So I didn't, I stayed at home, sat in front of the tv and ate while feeling bad for myself.
Over the past month, I've started riding my bike again, almost exclusively on weekends. These weekend rides have been great for me, helping me remember that despite not feeling fit, my body knows how to turn over the pedals. I still haven't gotten myself together to ride on weekdays, but I'm started. As a friend put it, it's like my base miles are cramming for an exam.

This past week, I got on the scale after two days of bad eating and general laziness and saw my weight at 192#. Last year, I dropped my weight from over 210# to a racing weight of 182#. And I realize that ten pounds of weight gain in an offseason isn't the end of the world - it's pretty normal - I can't deal with seeing a number over 190. I see it, and think of how close 200 is, and how close 220 is, and 250. All the way up to 315, where I was 12 years ago, when my doctor told me I was on track for a heart attack by age 25. That was when reviving this blog came to my mind. I need that accountability and structure that come with writing down what I eat, what exercise I do, how I feel.
So here it is.

Today is the first day for me.

1/2c shredded wheat w/raisins
1/2c steel oats w/raisins
1/4c Raw Walnuts
Totally awesome 5 course VDay dinner @The Red Lentil

30m z3; 3x10m(1/2 rest) z4 on trainer; 10m z2

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